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Skillmatics Times Tables

Rs. 269.00 Regular price Rs. 299.00
Type: Puzzles
SKU: 8904279500068

Introducing Skillmatics Times Tables, an attractive e-commerce store that offers an innovative way to learn. This store includes 6 double-sided activity mats, 1 Skilly Billy pen, 1 duster cloth, and 1 Skilly Billy Achievement Certificate. All the activity mats come with easy-to-understand instructions.

Skillmatics Times Tables is a fun and educational game that is age-appropriate and skill-oriented. It offers 20 highly engaging and repeatable activities that build core skills through a fun learning methodology. Kids will have fun while they learn key concepts, and it's also perfect for children to bond with their friends and family.

Key learning outcomes include times tables up to 15, tricks to remember tables, decoding, repeated addition, mental maths, and word problems. With Skillmatics Times Tables, kids can learn in a fun and interactive way.

Please note: This item is non-returnable.

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