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Nerf Elite 2.0 70-Dart Refill Pack

Rs. 1,169.00 Regular price Rs. 1,299.00
SKU: 195166120799

The Nerf Elite 2.0 70-Dart Refill Pack is the perfect way to keep your Nerf battles and missions going. This pack includes 70 Official Nerf Elite 2.0 foam darts, so you can reload your Nerf Elite 2.0 blasters and keep battling. These darts are compatible with all Official Nerf blasters that use Elite darts, so you can stock up and be ready to reload every time you play. Plus, Nerf 2.0 blasters feature customizing capabilities, so you can upgrade them for every battle or mission (blasters each sold separately).

Please note: This item is non-returnable.

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